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Mailing Lists

Your lists: you supply lists of your current customers or members of your organization.
  • Savings: We import and manage the list, with rates for printing and applying labels often less than the costs associated with sheet labels.
  • Speed: Most mailings also qualify for automation, which speeds up delivery.
Routes: choose from sending to all residents of a city or target specific neighborhoods and areas of town. We can even pull up route maps of the city you are interested in to make selecting routes easy.
  • City Routes: only delivered to residential addresses, mailing to entire route is not required.
  • Rural Routes: includes both residential and commercial addresses, mailings must be to entire route.
  • The average route is about 600 pieces, but route sizes vary significantly and usually range from 200 to 1000 addresses.

USPS Move Update

USPS regulations require that all mailers use an up to date mailing list to minimize the number of bad addresses in the postal system. The following is a brief description of several options that fulfill the relatively new postal requirements.
NOCA Link: We utilize advanced address management software that serves two important purposes:
  • Initially, each address is automatically ran through Delivery Point Validation, which ensures that the address exists and corrects minor issues to prevent delivery delays.
  • In addition, we can scan a mailing list against the National Change of Address (NCOA) registry, which identifies individuals on your list that have moved and corrects the address before mailing. This process prevents the postal service from otherwise throwing away your mail piece, which is the typical procedure for standard or nonprofit mail with bad addresses.
Other Options: Ancillary Service Endorsements or including "or current resident" are alternatives to using NCOA. However, NCOA is almost always the least expensive and most practical option except in the case of mailings consisting of less than 200 pieces.